We’re going to grow our sales revenue by selling through partner resellers.

Easy peasy

We’re going to grow our sales revenue by selling through partner resellers.

How hard can that be?

Just recruiting a bunch of partners who are keen to make some additional margin?

Give them a price list with a buy and sell price and they’re away – right?


So, so wrong πŸ˜”

Easy in, is easy out.

Any focus on your solution here?
Nope. Opportunistic at absolute best.

Opportunity for miss-selling is huge – intentionally or unintentionally.

Who’s supporting them?
Oh the direct sales team will – yeah sure, cos they have a ton of spare time to nursemaid a greenhorn sales team chasing shadows, don’t they?

And when they miss targets for lack of time on their role, a flea in the ear and worse still, low commission months… Not happening is it!

The ONLY way is to do it properly

Start with the end in mind and plan backwards.

It takes


And so much more… and critically unlike your direct sales teams,

So if you do want to do it properly, give me a shout, I’d be happy to help you

Channel Partner tips – Before you start.

Make sure you’re really clear about the road ahead and that you are sure you’re “up for the challenge”. It’s not simply a case of “build it and they will come”.

If you’ve done your preparation well, the rewards are there with a great execution. But don’t even think about “playing at it”

The start before the start

Accreditation – A burden or a blessing

Vendor accreditation programmes – who are they really for?

1. Customers?
2. Channel partners?
3. Vendors?
4. All three?

Why does a customer care if their supplier is accredited by the vendor of the product, solution or service?
Why does a channel partner care whether they are Bronze, Silver, or Gold certified?
Why does the vendor need to create training and certification material, courses, tests etc?

It all sounds a lot of work, so why does anyone bother?

There must be some significant value in order to motivate everyone to care enough to get engaged – so what is it?

Customers are what this is all about! Customers require good advice from well informed representatives from the channel community and the channel community cannot rely on the resources of the vendor at every engagement they have, so the channel partners need to become equally well informed – This requires training and testing, which is great for the vendor, because they end up with well informed channel partners representing them and provides the scale required to develop more market coverage. In addition, an accreditation programme usually has a volume\revenue related metric, which rewards the successful sales partner – more of a value component than a quality component and an often thorny topic for engineering heavy partners with lots of skills but not too many new sales. Customers are usually able to see for themselves what partner accreditations are for channels and select based on a value\quality blend. In reality most customers want to know they will be well looked after rather than well sold to.
For the vendor, an accreditation programme provides a sense for channel partner commitment levels and focus on their portfolio, and training enables current knowledge to be maintained and product knowledge to be broadly well ingrained. The more a channel partner commits to one vendor programme, the less time and resources they will have for competing offers – stands to reason. So vendors see this as an important dynamic for developing partner commitments. Ultimately this enables scale and quality delivery for the customers and commitment for the vendor, with the reseller having the ability to wrap services and complementary products to their solution.