Easy in is easy out and no commitment means just that

I simply don’t understand why a business would sign partnership agreements with a new reseller on the understanding that if they deliver nothing you will “tear up the agreement”. What a waste of everybody’s time and effort.

If you don’t think it’s going to work as a partnership then, you’re probably right. Like all relationships a business partnership takes time and effort and commitment from both sides and usually a degree of planning and expectation setting doesn’t go amiss.

A few areas to look at in detail before you even think about signing a partnership.

Suitability of product/solution or offer
Why you’re taking this route
Margin chain – is there enough in the margin pot to feed all tiers?
Your resources to support this activity
Training/knowledge transfer
Affordability and impact on pricing and margins available
Potential for sales conflict with your current operations and sales teams
And most importantly how you will resolve them

Line up for success and remember that less is more. Fewer of the right partners is infinity preferable and scaling can follow

Building a reseller community – done right

You’re in an organisation that is providing solutions to address a certain business problem, and you’re seeking opportunities to grow your customer base.

You’re thinking that maybe you’ll find some resellers, as that’s a lower cost than hiring a number of new salespeople. The resellers get to sell your offer and you’ll give them a share of the revenue, or sell to them at a “dealer” price for them to invoice their customer and add a margin.

Happy days

Yet who should sell it and why aren’t folks beating down my door to sell my product?

Those that I’ve spoken to haven’t really engaged yet and haven’t heard anything back from them.

Some of them haven’t enough resources to add new products, services or take on new skills at the moment and others have none at all, so they are struggling to get started.

We have a few partners who have signed agreements but haven’t sold anything yet, and I’m not seeing any marketing activity from them.

How do I get this machine moving, as all I have managed to achieve is to divert my energy into trying to find partners and reduce my available time for what I was already doing…

This is not an unusual story, but actually, rather a common experience based on a lack of experience and knowledge. Businesses wanting to identify and develop a channel sales strategy, need to do so with eyes wide open and a good plan.

Often a business gets lured into thinking that hiring a sales partner is less costly than hiring additional sales heads, but this is simply not true. The cost model is merely different.

A sales channel definitely offers a greater opportunity to scale, and also potentially gives access to customers whom you might otherwise expend significant efforts to build a profile with, more easily. But do not think this is the cheapest way of growing sales. It simply is not.

How hard can it be?

There’s so much more to this than a vendor thinking that it’s worth giving it a try…. Because that simply will not end well. Why would a potential partner invest any of their time or effort if you’re not prepared to? If a channel partner gets the slightest whiff that you’re just “giving it a go”, you are toast and you will get nowhere. Do not expect a reseller to damage their hard-earned reputation by introducing your solution if they think you’re not here for the long term to support them, and their customers. It’s not going to happen.

Done well, the channel is beautifully symbiotic and it’s very much the way to scale your business

Need help getting figured out and getting started? Then get in touch with me and I will be able to set you on the right track – here or use the WhatsApp link below.