Easy in is easy out and no commitment means just that

I simply don’t understand why a business would sign partnership agreements with a new reseller on the understanding that if they deliver nothing you will “tear up the agreement”. What a waste of everybody’s time and effort.

If you don’t think it’s going to work as a partnership then, you’re probably right. Like all relationships a business partnership takes time and effort and commitment from both sides and usually a degree of planning and expectation setting doesn’t go amiss.

A few areas to look at in detail before you even think about signing a partnership.

Suitability of product/solution or offer
Why you’re taking this route
Margin chain – is there enough in the margin pot to feed all tiers?
Your resources to support this activity
Training/knowledge transfer
Affordability and impact on pricing and margins available
Potential for sales conflict with your current operations and sales teams
And most importantly how you will resolve them

Line up for success and remember that less is more. Fewer of the right partners is infinity preferable and scaling can follow

We don’t get asked for that

It’s not unusual to hear a business leader say that their customers do not ask for certain solutions.

So what does this tell us?

Should we rely on our customer to always ask us if we can help? It’s certainly a great place to be when we’ve become a trusted advisor.

But this isnt always the case. Often we’ve been pigeonholed as the network guys, or the desktop guys or whatever else.

Does this mean that they’re not seeing us as capable of offering something else? Probably. It could also mean that they’re engaged elsewhere with someone who has made an approach that’s caught their attention. The threat is that whilst they’re busy building trust elsewhere, they’re not spending time with us building trust.

So do you think you’re going to “stick to your knitting” or segue into positioning yourself as a trusted advisor where you’re always the “go to” guys?

Whenever you’re thinking about HOW TO GROW your business, just consider how you sell more things to more people, and start with those customers who’ve already said we trust you.

New to reseller market:  Daktela UK – One App for All your Business Communications

October 2022: Omnichannel Contact Centre provider Daktela UK announces collaboration with Trust Partner Services, a move which will open significant new business opportunities for a select number of channel partners in the UK.

Daktela UK is an experienced player in the cloud contact centre market. Established in 2010, their senior leadership team have worked in the contact centre industry for over 30 years selling solutions through direct and indirect sales channels.

Daktela have an ambitious recruitment campaign underway with a mission to establish a small number of strategic partnerships within the UK channel reseller community. 

Differentiation is a critical component for resellers, and Daktela enables their partners to do exactly that – instead of being one of several bids with the same technology offer, Daktela is both unique and incredibly functional and feature-rich, across the small to mid-enterprise customer space.

To ensure that they connect with the best possible channel partners, they have engaged Trust Partner Services to guide them.

We are excited to grow our footprint in the UK with Trust Partner Services. Daktela has the best technology at the best price, and we see channel partners playing a significant role in our expansion plans,” said Steve McSherry, UK Country Manager at Daktela UK.

Sophisticated customers expect a sophisticated experience. Businesses are turning to their providers to source the right technology, but we understand you need to differentiate to remain competitive. With Daktela, resellers can stand out from the crowd and have a real point of difference.” continues Steve McSherry.

Graham Bunting, Founder at Trust Partner Services, said: “Demand is growing for omnichannel as customers demand a better experience. Daktela helps businesses enjoy a more joined-up approach to communications. We will be working with resellers to help deliver this message and explain the benefits of Daktela. Partners can also bring their expertise with Daktela’s open API, creating a joint enterprise that benefits both parties. This, teamed with their staged approach to Contact Centre deployments, gives ultimate flexibility for resellers.”

About Daktela UK

Daktela UK is a leading provider of cloud-based communication, uniquely combining pioneering digital technology with over 30 years of real-world customer experience. They are on a mission to help UK businesses to create extraordinary customer experiences with their flexible, scalable packages. To find out more, contact:  info@daktela.co.uk or visit http://www.daktela.co.uk.

About Trust Partner Services

Trust Partner Services are a niche consultancy specialising in supporting Technology/Voice/Software vendors’ go-to-market strategy and ecosystem building in the UKI & Europe. Founder Graham Bunting’s experience of local markets, and network, is second to none, having worked at partner, distributor, and vendor levels.

To grow your business, we are committed to innovation, partnership, and a relentless focus on what’s next. Simplification, communication, and localisation provide a clear advantage in any market. We are the company you can trust to help you deliver Experiences that Matter to your channels and customers.

For more information – graham@trustpartnerservices.com